Sheriff’s log

2022-06-11 00:21:48 By : Mr. yuzhu Sun

Dean Hughes, 1016 Arkridge Circle, reported a break-in to his storage building. Missing were an outboard boat motor, six fishing rods, a metal tackle box and miscellaneous electrical supplies.

Tammy Gibson-Laudermilk reported a burglary at 224 Long Beach Terrace. Missing were a purse, debit card, ID and keys. She also reported the theft of her white 2010 Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck.

Dana Spencer reported a burglary at 5623 Park Ave. Missing were a 9-mm handgun, a gun lock box and money.

Lee Moody reported a break-in to a vehicle at 160 Morphew Road. Missing were an Xbox and controller, gaming headset, a Google home Max and miscellaneous clothing and shoes.

Ryan Rainey reported a theft of his wallet, debit cards, credit cards and ID at 1696 Treasure Isle Road.

Brian Schafer reported a break-in to his vehicle at 5536 Central Ave. Missing were a green backpack and two laptop computers.

John Fisher reported a theft of a propane grill and two lawn mowers at 130 Lakeaire Terrace.

Jerry Trotter reported a theft of a 1991 Alumaweld boat from BJ Storage, 121 Kingery Lane.

Marissa Kistner reported a theft of a pressure washer at 655 Thornton Ferry Road.

Charles Hyde reported a theft of a Chromebook at 5060 Spring St. by a known suspect.

Print Headline: Sheriff’s log

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